Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Perfect Love

A friend I know is looking for the "perfect" person to love, and joined one of those on line dating services. I asked him "how's that going". He basically said that he didn't think he would be able to find anyone who was totally compatible on every level. I said "there is no such thing" for I believe perfection is always in the eyes of the beholder, and even if you found someone whom you think is perfect, they may not return the feelings.

Are you perfect? Don't you need someone to understand you? I said that I don't need someone to understand me, just to accept and love me as I am, and whether I agree with everything they say and do and believe in does not matter if I love them and they love me. I would not want a carbon copy of me in the person I love. I would want someone who is his own person, who knows who he is and what he believes in and stands up to fight for what is right. That person would be so busy doing what he loves that he would not have time to find fault with me, and I likewise.

When you are busy doing the stuff of life that you so love, and that energizes you to be who you are here to be, you don't look around at others finding fault. You are a DOER, and a giver, not a taker and a whiner. When you are doing what you love, you are happy and make others happy by sharing that love. It can't help just pour out of a person who is in love with life and just being.

Anyway, its fine for me to talk since its been years since I have been "in love" with anyone other than my kids, my life, my art, my gardening, my pets, and just being alive every day. Just putting one foot in front of the other enjoying each moment, and trying not to look too far ahead and think about what is "missing" in my life. I'd rather try to manifest the magic by thinking about what I DO want in my life instead of worrying about what is NOT there. Maybe that way the perfect person for me will appear in my life. All it takes is putting the focus on what you want and living true to yourself in the meantime. And maybe a little help from above wouldn't hurt.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want a carbon copy of me. Good grief, no! ;) Differences enrich a relationship as long as there is that understanding and acceptance you mention. Strength in one's self to disagree can lead to some fun and lively conversations.

I may not have that "love" in my life right now but the love and caring of friends, a hug in the morning and a cheery English "Hello" on Skype fill my life.

Ilona said...

I agree with you Naufragiobella, I heard somewhere that a true friend is someone you can risk telling your true feelings to and not have to worry that they will leave you. I can't even imagine someone agreeing with me all the time since I have way too many strong opinions on things. I do admit it though, when I'm proven wrong. Hugs are definitely a good thing.